Ch.8 Magnetic Field

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Magnetic Field

Magnetic Fields of Currents

Straight Wire

constant current II, distance dd away
B=μ0I4πdssinθr2=μ0I4πdsr2dx2+d2=μ0Id4πL/2L/2(x2+d2)3/2dx=μ0Id4π(xd2x2+d2)L/2L/2=μ0IL2πdL2+4d2B=\int\frac{\mu_0I}{4\pi}\frac{ds\sin\theta}{r^2}=\frac{\mu_0I}{4\pi}\int\frac{ds}{r^2}\frac{d}{\sqrt{x^2+d^2}}\\=\frac{\mu_0Id}{4\pi}\int_{-L/2}^{L/2}(x^2+d^2)^{-3/2}dx=\frac{\mu_0Id}{4\pi}\left(\frac{x}{d^2\sqrt{x^2+d^2}}\right)\Bigg|_{-L/2}^{L/2}=\frac{\mu_0IL}{2\pi d\sqrt{L^2+4d^2}}
As LL\to\infty, this approaches
B=μ0I2πr(tangent to the circle around the wire in the right-hand direction)B=\frac{\mu_0I}{2\pi r}(\text{tangent to the circle around the wire in the right-hand direction})

Flat Coils (Current Loop)

constant current II, NN turns of coil
find field at the center of a single ideal loop
B=μ0I4πdssinθr2=μ0I4πR202πRdθ=μ0I2RB=\frac{\mu_0I}{4\pi}\int\frac{ds\sin\theta}{r^2}=\frac{\mu_0I}{4\pi R^2}\int_0^{2\pi}Rd\theta=\frac{\mu_0I}{2R}
if the NN coils are tightly coiled, then its simply this times NN

current loops create a magnetic dipole acting like a permanent magnet, also known as an electromagnet

If the axis of the dipole was the zz-axis, then the magnetic field is
which at zRz\gg R, approaches
Bloop=μ02IR2z3=μ04π2(πR2)Iz3=μ04π2AIz3B_\text{loop}=\frac{\mu_0}{2}\frac{IR^2}{z^3}=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{2(\pi R^2)I}{z^3}=\frac{\mu_0}{4\pi}\frac{2AI}{z^3}
Define the magnetic dipole momentm=AI\vec{m}=AI where AA is the area of the loop and II is the current. At large zz, it does not have to be a circular loop. This makes the magnetic field
Bdipole=μ02π2mz3(on the axis of the dipole)\vec{B}_\text{dipole}=\frac{\mu_0}{2\pi}\frac{2\vec{m}}{z^3}(\text{on the axis of the dipole})
This closely resembles the field of an electric dipole
Edipole=14πϵ02pz3(on the axis of the dipole)\vec{E}_\text{dipole}=\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{2\vec{p}}{z^3}(\text{on the axis of the dipole})

Helical Coils (Solenoid)

constant current II, n=N/Ln=N/L

Ampere's Law

the magnetism counterpart to Gauss's Law
uses a line integral, an integral taken over a curve
ifBds\int_i^f\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{s}
If the magnetic field is perpendicular at every point on the line, the integral is 00. If the field is tangent and has the same magnitude as B\vec{B} at every point, then the integral is BlBl where ll is the length.
Note for a closed loop, this is denoted \oint, though the meaning is the same.

Consider a closed loop. The field at the center is μ0I/2πr\mu_0I/2\pi r, and the field is everywhere tangent with constant magnitude, so we can easily compute
Bds=Bl=B2πr=μ0I\oint\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{s}=Bl=B2\pi r=\mu_0I
Similar to Gauss's Law, it can be shown that this relationship

Thus, if IthroughI_\text{through} is the total current passing through an area bounded by a closed curve, the following relatioship holds
Bds=μ0Ithrough\oint\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{s}=\mu_0I_\text{through}
This is Ampere's Law


A uniform magnetic field may be produced with a solenoid, a helical coil of wire of length LL formed with NN loops or turns
An ideal solenoid has uniform magnetic field parallel to to the axis inside and field of zero outside.

Consider a rectangular cross section of length ll encompassing NN turns. The top part should be outside, the bottom should be inside, and the sides should be perpendicualr to the field.
The total current is Ithrough=NII_\text{through}=NI
To compute Bds\oint\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{s}, note that the sides contribute 00 because the field is perpendicular to the path, the bottom is simply BlBl due to constant parallel field, and outside is 00 because the field is zero. Therefore,
Bds=Bl=μ0NIBsolenoid=μ0INl=μ0In\oint\vec{B}\cdot d\vec{s}=Bl=\mu_0NI\implies B_\text{solenoid}=\mu_0I\frac{N}{l}=\mu_0In
where nn is the number of turns per unit length

With a limited number of turns, there is some field outside, and resembles a bar magnet. Therefore, a solenoid is an electromagnet.

Magnetic Force on Moving Charge

Magnetic fields exert forces on currents, or moving charges
Fon q=qv×B\vec{F}_{\text{on }q}=q\vec{v}\times\vec{B}

Magnetic fields are created by and forces exerted on moving charges -> magnetism is the interaction of moving charges

In a uniform magnetic field, a charged particle moving perpendicular to the field experiences a force that causes it to move in uniform ciruclar motion. This is the cyclotron motion of a charged particle.
If there is a parallel component, then it is not affected, creating a helical movement.

The radius of cyclotron orbit is given by F=mv2/rF=mv^2/r, giving rcyc=mv/qBr_\text{cyc}=mv/qB
The cyclotron frequency is given by f=v/2πrf=v/2\pi r, giving f=qB/2πmf=qB/2\pi m


The cyclotron was the first practical particle accelerator invented in the 1930s

A potential with voltage ΔV\Delta V that oscillates changes the sign of the potential across the gap. When a proton starts moving, it is accelerated across the gap due to the potential difference, then when it comes back, it is accelerated again, since the potential changed sign, looping over and over again until it exists after being accelerated with kinetic energy K=2NeΔVK=2Ne\Delta V

Hall Effect

The Hall Effect states charges moving through a conductor as a current is also deflected by a magnetic field
If a magnetic field perpendicular to a charge carrier is created, there is a force pushing charge to the edge, leaving excess charge, like capacitor plates. This creates a potential difference and an electric field inside, exerting an opposite electric force.
The Hall voltage is the steady-state potential difference where the magnetic force and electric force cancel out.
FB=evdB=FE=eE=eΔVwΔVH=wvdBF_B=ev_dB=F_E=eE=e\frac{\Delta V}{w}\implies\Delta V_H=wv_dB
where ww is the separation distance (width of the charge carrier) and vdv_d is the electron drift speed
Using J=nevdJ=nev_d and A=wtA=wt (the cross-sectional area of the conductor), we have
vd=Jne=IwtneΔVH=IBtnev_d=\frac{J}{ne}=\frac{I}{wtne}\implies\Delta V_H=\frac{IB}{tne}

Magnetic Force on Current-Carrying Wires

For a small segment of wire with width Δx\Delta x and charge Δq\Delta q moving at velocity vdv_d and in a magnetic field B\vec{B} perpendicular to current II, the magnitude of force felt is
F=ΔqvdB=ΔqΔt(vdΔt)B=IΔxBF=\Delta qv_dB=\frac{\Delta q}{\Delta t}(v_d\Delta t)B=I\Delta x B
In general, the force on length ll of wire is

Now suppose there are two wires of length ll, distance dd apart with currents I1I_1 and I2I_2 in the same direction. Assume they are long enough to use the infinite wire approximation
B=μ0I2πrB=\frac{\mu_0I}{2\pi r}
current I1I_1 is affected by B2\vec{B}_2 created by I2I_2, and current I2I_2 is affected by B1\vec{B}_1 created by I1I_1, which in turn creates a magnetic force attracting each other.
If going in opposite directions, they repel.

From the formula, set distance Δx=d\Delta x=d to get
Fparallel wires=I1l×B2=I1lμ0I22πd=μ0lI1I22πdF_\text{parallel wires}=I_1\vec{l}\times\vec{B}_2=I_1l\frac{\mu_0I_2}{2\pi d}=\frac{\mu_0lI_1I_2}{2\pi d}

A current loop in a magnetic field has the top and bottom with currents in opposite directions. This creates no net force, but a net torque
where m\vec{m} is the magnetic dipole moment

Electric Motor

current is passed through a coil inside a magnetic field to create a torque
every 180180^\circ, a commutator reverses the current so the motor doesn't reach equilibrium

Explanations of Magnetic Properties

Atomic Magnet

orbiting electrons act as a moving current that creates a magnetic field; atoms with more electrons and molecules tend to cancel out the field, so this does not explain strength of things like iron